People hoped that a crossbreed would combine the labrador's suitability to guide work with the poodle's hypoallergenic coat. It turned out that happens sometimes, but not all the time, when the breeds are crossed.But the fact that they didn't turn out exactly as planned didn't discourage the labradoodle breeders. They are quite pleased with their breed, and say that while they are not always completely hypoallergenic, they are always low-shed dogs with little doggy odor. The dogs also combine some of the best of the labrador and poodle temperaments, and the labradoodle is usually affectionate, easy to train, and great with people and other dogs.The cross that creates a labradoodle can either be first generation or multi-generation.
A first generation labradoodle has a purebred poodle as one parent and a purebred labrador as the other. A multi-generation may be any percentage of the two breeds and is created by breeding labradoodles to either other labradoodles or to a purebred poodle or lab.Labradoodles comes in a variety of coat types and colors. The typical labradoodle is yellow, black or brown with a long, semi-wavy coat, but every color seen in poodles is possible, and coats vary from long and straight to short and curly. Those with the poodle coat must be clipped every once in a while, as the hair keeps growing just like a human's, rather than reaching a predetermined length and stopping, as in a typical dog's coat.
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