
Replica louis vuitton Monogram Vernis bags the France designer Hubert de Givenchy

With chain linked by metallic loop, it was named 2. 55 in fashion industry. In order to show particular shape and texture, Gabrielle Chanel designed the rhombic pattern like diamond, with materials draw from horsing player's jacket. Together with the signatured double C logo, the classical design had been created finally. NO. 2 Chanel Cambon BagWith features of side CC logo, as well as multiple-choice styles and sizes, Cambon Bag drew all women's attention. Undoubtedly, besides the 2. 55, it is another contribution of Chanel to fashion industry. NO. 3 Hermes Kelly BagEspecially designed for Morocco princess, Hermes Kelly is a priceless treasure of Hermes.

No matter how rich you are, you have to wait a long time to buy one due to the delicate work. Leather of it is just a piece of value, what's more valuable is the time cost on it and its handicraft. NO. 4 Hermes Birkin BagOriginally, it was designed to place saddle until British-born actress and singer Jane Birkin met Hermes CEO on a flight. In order to extend her affairs, Hermes Birkin was created. Most celebrities like Kate Moss, Parker and Katherine Zeta Jones are its fans. NO. 5 Givenchy Pumpkin BagThe nice-looking Guvenchy Pumpkin Bag has become young girls' great love of all since its first appearance. It's absolutely a hard process to shape leather into such a nifty style with vivid color. Now, as a classical style of Givenchy, it's new designs are published every year. NO. 6 Givenchy Initiale Classique LogoThe highest known 4G style of Givenchy. 4G(Genteel, Grace, Gaiety and Givenchy) is the brand spirit defined by Givenchy's creator, the France designer Hubert de Givenchy.

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