
Chanel handbag replica to the hobo bag of the 1950's

Purses come in endless types of sizes; from tiny little coin purses to oversized backpack bags, the purse serves a diverse amount of different functions. Whether you're headed to the mall, to school, or to work, there's a handbag out there to accompany you, wherever you go. And with endless options like inside pockets, outside pockets, drawstrings, zippers, and decorative aesthetic buckles, you're bound to find at least one handbag that you can't live without.This might surprise you, but throughout history, both men and women have carried designer handbags!

Initially used for carrying things like seeds, money, and religious items, the designer handbag eventually become more of a fashion icon among women than among men. During the 17th century, men ditched purses for the built in pockets that were becoming popular in men's breeches. In the late 1700's, women began to carry delicately embroidered handbags, which were known as ""reticules."" These purses carried makeup, handkerchiefs, and other feminine items.The multi-functional designer handbag of the 21st century has incorporated past fusions of designer handbags; from the functional drawstring money bag of ancient times to the hobo bag of the 1950's, the handbag has a rich history of which to draw from.

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