most designer handbags come with one of these, serial numbers are often embossed on the inside of the bag near the handle, but fakers are getting good and often reproducing these along with dust bags.So you can see that it is hard to ensure you have the real deal when it comes to purchasing a designer handbag, especially if you are looking for a bargain and not buying from a reputable seller. It's important to do your homework and research the bag you want to buy which brings me back to the title; "To fake or not to fake?"Personally for me I would always know that my bag wasn't the real deal so I couldn't be sure of the quality and whether or not it would wear well.
Fashions change so frequently now and if you like to keep up-to-date with current trends then an affordable replica designer handbag might be the way to go, the price is certainly appealing and you could have a new handbag for each season, which has got to be a good thing!However there are affordable designer handbags out there that you don't have to fake to afford, for example the British designer Zandra Rhodes launched a range of fabulous handbags in 2010 and is proving a big hit with fashionistas, prices range from 45.00 to 120.00.Keep an eye out for up and coming designers, who haven't made it big yet. Buy now before everyone gets on the band wagon, become a fashion leader and not a follower, learn how to spot style, real craftsmanship and quality.At the end of the day it's down to the individual as long as you understand what you are buying whether it is a fake or the real deal, for me I prefer not to fake it, I am going to save up my pennies until I can afford to buy my Mulberry Bayswater.View Zandra Rhodes handbags for an affordable designer fix.Authentic Gucci handbags are hot items. They are extremely sought after by women who know the value of owning designer items like sunglasses and purses.
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